Join us for the 24th Annual Hazardous Waste Management Workshop!
Sponsored by Young's Environmental Cleanup Inc.
This workshop provides a discussion of hazardous waste topics and an update on relevant regulatory issues. Topics will include:
Hazardous Secondary Materials presented by Jim Ferritto (DEQ)
E-manifest Lessons Learned presented by Brian Lindman (US Ecology)
Impending Rule Updates presented by Ronda Blayer (DEQ)
Enforcement Topics presented by Tammy Helminski (Barnes & Thornburg LLP)
Introduction to the New Michigan Materials Marketplace presented by John Bradburn (Pathway21)
In addition, DEQ field inspectors and technical specialists will be on-site to answer any questions throughout the workshop, and there will be time for networking and exhibitor interaction during arrival, breaks, and lunch. Registration with a light breakfast begins at 8:30 a.m. with presentations following at 9:00 a.m.
Presentations will be followed by a networking luncheon, and attendees will also receive free access to the “Butterflies Are Blooming” exhibit at Meijer Gardens.
Exhibitors at the 2019 Workshop:
SET Environmental
Taplin Group, LLC
US Ecology
Young's Environmental Inc.
Drug & Laboratory Disposal, Inc.
Enviro-Safe Resource Recovery
ERG Environmental Services
geff LP
Pace Analytical
Additional Exhibitors Welcome! Each exhibitor will receive one eight-foot, skirted table and two chairs. Complimentary entry to the workshop and food are provided for one individual. Additional attendees are asked to register at the regular registration rates.
*Please note, a webinar option will not be offered this year. We apologize for the change in format. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at
Registration and refunds accepted through 12 p.m. on March 15.