The West Michigan Chapter of the Air & Waste Management Association (WM-AWMA) is pleased to announce the availability of up to two (2) individual scholarships, in the amount of $5,000, to be awarded to selected college juniors, seniors, and graduate students pursuing a qualifying environmental career in the West Michigan area. Preferred courses of study include environmental engineering, physical or natural sciences, natural resources, environmental law, environmental sustainability, health and safety, risk management, climate science or environmental education. Successful applicants will also receive a one-year student membership in WM-AWMA.
The application with additional information and instructions is at WM-AWMA Scholarship Application 2025.
West Michigan Air & Waste Management Association Environmental Scholarships.
PURPOSE: To provide financial support to eligible applicants.
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Applicants must be attending an accredited college or university in Michigan, or for WM-AWMA chapter members (or children of a member) it may be an accredited college or university located outside of Michigan. All applicants must be planning to pursue a career in the West Michigan area.
At the start of the term for which the scholarship is sought, the applicant must be enrolled as a full-time student who has Junior, Senior, or Graduate Student status with a minimum of 50% of their coursework related to their declared major, and, have a declared major and a course of study leading to an environmental career. Preferred courses of study include environmental engineering, physical or natural sciences, natural resources, environmental law, environmental sustainability, health and safety, risk management, climate science, or environmental education.
CONDITIONS: This is a one-time $5,000 annual scholarship per student. Past scholarship awardees are encouraged to re-apply. WM-AWMA expects to complete its application review and notify successful applicants by the end of April 2025. Scholarship checks will be payable jointly to the scholarship recipient and the respective university or college. Scholarships may be used only for tuition, books, laboratory fees, or other academic purposes. Unsuccessful applicants are encouraged to revise and resubmit an application during a subsequent year.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Applications will be completed online, including an essay of 500 - 600 words describing:
The applicant’s career goals and how those goals will promote better understanding, awareness, and/or solution to current or future environmental challenges of industry, government, research, education, law, and consultants within West Michigan. If applicable, how those goals will enhance diversity and sustainable practices in West Michigan. Demonstrate how the applicant’s goals align with the Air & Waste Management Association goals (for example, participation in a student chapter of AWMA). A statement of WM-AWMA’s goals and objectives is included in the Mission Statement posted on the chapter website.
The name and phone number of a professor, academic advisor or department chair who has agreed to provide a recommendation for the applicant, and who can confirm the applicant’s course of study and academic status. A recommendation need not be submitted with the application but may be requested by the Scholarship Committee. A resume showing all full-and part-time employment since high school graduation and while in college, semesters with dates of attendance, and extra-curricular activities listed in chronological order. Statement of major, GPA, year in school or graduate school, and a copy of the applicant’s transcript (an un-official transcript is acceptable). Semester and year scholarship is being requested for (winter 2024, spring/summer 2025, fall 2025). Applications must be submitted online before 12:00 midnight on March 21, 2025. Extensions will not be granted.
SELECTION: Applications will be evaluated by the WM-AWMA Scholarship Committee. If in the opinion of the Committee, suitable applications are not received, scholarships will not be awarded.
EVALUATION CRITERIA: (applicant names, addresses and university/college attending will not be revealed to the Scholarship Committee). Quality of essay. The essay will be of primary interest to the Scholarship Committee. Scholastic achievement, GPA, and courses of note. Student, extracurricular and work activities.
PHOTO AND STATEMENT: Scholarship recipients agree to allow WM-AWMA and members to publish scholarship recipients name, image and possibly other application information. This includes publishing in social media and on the WM-AWMA web site. Recipients may also be asked to furnish a photograph and a statement for publication.
FUNDING: Scholarship funding is provided from the funds of WM-AWMA which are derived from membership fees, member contributions, corporate sponsorships, and event revenues.
QUESTIONS: Please contact our Scholarship Chairperson, Molly Sherwood,, with questions.