Fugitive dust from roads, surface lots, storage piles, and other sources contributes to air pollution. Additionally, asbestos from demolition activities can present environmental concerns if not properly handled. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality will host the Dust Management Workshop to provide information on how to control fugitive dust at public and private facilities, lots, and roads, as well as dust management at demolition sites.
To help comply with environmental requirements relating to fugitive dust, attendees will receive an overview of particulate matter and fugitive dust regulations, and related health issues. The workshop will also provide a profile of dust control methods, and approaches for developing solid fugitive dust plans.
Who should attend?
This workshop is recommended for anyone dealing with fugitive dust issues, including:
Municipal, county, or state road repair and maintenance personnel
Local officials involved with zoning, site location, selection, or approval
Owners/managers of unpaved lots or salvage yards
Concrete and asphalt crushing operations
Trucking business and rail yard operations
Sand blasting operations
Building construction or demolition
Quarry and mining operations
Environmental consultants
Attendees of this workshop will receive both the Managing Fugitive Dust and the Nonmetallic Mineral Crushing Facilities guidebooks.
This workshop qualifies for 3 CEHs for Professional Engineers.
Registration Questions: Alana Berthold
517-284-6854 / bertholda@michigan.gov
Program Questions: Jenifer Dixon
517-284-6892 / dixonj2@michigan.gov