The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is requesting additional emission unit and control technology information this reporting year from certain facilities as part of the Michigan Air Emissions Reporting System (MAERS). This information will be shared with U.S. EPA in their Air Emissions Inventory. EGLE has already contacted affected facilities and will be providing a Supplemental Spreadsheet in the coming weeks for those sources to complete. If your facility is affected, you likely have some questions. This Webinar is for you!
Join Catherine Asselin of EGLE’s Emissions, Reporting & Assessment Unit and Eric Marko of NTH Consultants on January 13, 2021, for a virtual discussion of the New MAERS Spreadsheet, presentation of numerous examples, and helpful tools to prepare you for this upcoming reporting season. The webinar will be followed by a time for Q&A! You’ll come out of the webinar with a full understanding of the additional information and pathway for successful completion.
To learn more about sponsoring this webinar, please email Jill at