2019 Air Quality Management Conference
The Air & Waste Management Association Lake Michigan States Section is pleased to once again offer the Midwest’s most comprehensive annual program on air quality management issues. The LMSS Air Quality Management conference has become a tradition in the region – bringing together environmental professionals from the industry, government, environmental services, legal and NGO communities to learn about the key current issues and most important developments in this rapidly-evolving field. This annual conference will feature senior representatives of state and federal regulatory agencies who will provide a unique perspective on these developing issues.
Over 50 years have come and gone since the original passage of the federal Clean Air Act. Since that time, dramatic improvements have been made to air quality in the United States, but there is still work to be done. Pollution levels in many areas of the United States continue to exceed the national ambient air quality standards. Air contaminants, such as fine particles and ground-level ozone, pose serious health risks in addition to negative environmental impacts. Greenhouse gas emissions contribute to the far-reaching, global effects of climate change. Emissions of air toxics have raised significant concerns, particularly in urban areas. The current administration has questioned the validity of particular regulations, rolled back regulatory programs, implemented Executive Orders impacting and encouraging industrial development, and issued guidance memoranda that reshape our understanding and interpretation of certain air quality regulations. Through all of this regulatory turmoil, it is imperative that environmental managers and all air quality professionals stay informed and up-to-date on these significant developments.
Check out our website at: www.LMAWMA.org for updates to this conference brochure.
Online registration is available at: https://tinyurl.com/AWMA2019Air